Kevin Klein
PC candidate in the Kirkfield Park Winnipeg race.
Kevin can be reached on social media, or at [email protected].
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News that mentions Kevin Klein
Showing news articles published after June 1st 2023. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
Proposed silica sand mine should only move forward after more study on drinking water risk: commission
23 June 2023
CBC Manitoba - ...would not harm the environment and could bringin in billions of dollars to Manitoba's economy. The report now goes to Manitoba Environment Minister Kevin Klein, who will have final...
Potential impact of sand mine not ‘fully considered,’ report says
23 June 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - ...the news for the upcoming day. Sign Up I agree to the Terms and Conditions, Cookie and Privacy Policies, and CASL agreement. Environment Minister Kevin Klein is holding a news conference this afternoon to respond to the report and the fate of the Sio Silica proposal. [email protected] CEC...
Province supports shift to electric vehicles with new charging station in Village of Dunnottar
21 June 2023
My Steinbach - ...government is announcing its support for a new electric vehicle (EV) charging station in the Village of Dunnottar, Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein announced. “Green transportation projects play a key role in protecting our environment and water, which is a top priority for our government,”...
Dunnottar rises Level 3 charging station: province
20 June 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - ...the southwest shore of Lake Winnipeg is getting a government-supported electric vehicle charging station. On Tuesday, Manitoba Environment Minister Kevin Klein announced the new infrastructure for the Village of Dunnottar. The community of some 1,000 permanent residents is located about 70 kilometres north...
Silica processing plant plans hit snag as RM of Springfield council vote defeats development proposal
19 June 2023
CBC Manitoba - ...Commission still has to render a decision on that proposal, which is expected this week. Then the decision goes to Manitoba Environment Minister Kevin Klein who will have final say. The sand below the surface of southeastern Manitoba is 99.85 per cent pure silica. (Gary Solilak/CBC) That issue is...
RM closes doors to public, media during vote on controversial sand processing plant
19 June 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - ...and in favour of the Sio Silica development agreement. That doesn’t give the project the green light, however. Manitoba Environment Minister Kevin Klein has the final say on if and how the project proceeds. He’s stated that his decision will be based on the findings of the Clean Environment...
La GRC intervient lors d’une réunion municipale à Springfield
15 June 2023
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...provinciale de protection de l'environnement, d'ici le 22 juin, puis l'approbation ou le refus du ministre de l'Environnement et du Climat, Kevin Klein. Avec les informations de Bartley...
Police called in after sand mining opponents blast RM of Springfield officials at meeting
14 June 2023
CBC Manitoba - ...a recommendation from the provincial Clean Environment Commission, due by June 22, and then approval or denial from Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein. WATCH | Heated RM of Springfield council meeting: Fireworks at meeting on proposed silica processing facility Duration 2:05 Residents of the RM...
“Too good to be true”
12 June 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - ...upgrades and renovations, this program is making a real difference in the lives and budgets of families and individuals across the province,” said Kevin Klein, minister of environment and climate and minister responsible for Efficiency Manitoba. “We’ve worked with many residents in our community to...
Reversing ban on cosmetic pesticide use lauded
8 June 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - be exempt from the restrictions. “We are in line with Health Canada and the rest of Canada,” provincial Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein wrote in statement. The province has received fewer than five complaints about non-essential pesticide use since the law changed, he added. “We...