Damon Bath
Communist candidate in the St. Boniface Winnipeg race.
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News that mentions Damon Bath
Showing news articles published after June 1st 2023. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
Les circonscriptions à surveiller aux élections provinciales 2023
2 October 2023
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...en lice : Kiratveer Hayer (Parti progressiste-conservateur), Robert Loiselle (Nouveau Parti démocratique), Dougald Lamont (Parti libéral), Damon Bath (Parti communiste) Saint-Boniface sera un des trois sièges les plus contestés de cette élection. Le chef du Parti libéral, Dougald Lamont,...
Le chef du Parti libéral du Manitoba lutte pour conserver son siège de Saint-Boniface
28 September 2023
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...du NPD , un enseignant métis francophone originaire de Saint-Boniface, en plus de Kirt Hayer pour le Parti progressiste-conservateur (PC) et de Damon Bath du Parti communiste. Dougald Lamont se positionne comme une autre option face au PC et au NPD et incite les électeurs à ne pas voter...
Manitoba NDP turns attention to St. Boniface, hoping to take seat from Manitoba Liberal leader
27 September 2023
CBC Manitoba - ...a francophone Métis teacher born and raised in St. Boniface, as well as Kirt Hayer of the Progressive Conservatives and the Communist Party's Damon Bath. Lamont, speaking at a Wednesday campaign announcement, said his party 'can hold our seats, and … we can keep gaining, because that's what our...
Why St. Boniface is a race to watch in the Manitoba provincial election
27 September 2023
CTV - ...are two other hopefuls running in St. Boniface. The PC candidate is Kiratveer Hayer, a university student and former community resource worker. Damon Bath is representing the Communist...
Manitoba election 2023 results: St. Boniface – Winnipeg
18 September 2023
Global News - ...Liberal: Dougald Lamont (Incumbent) PC Manitoba: Kiratveer Hayer New Democratic Party: Robert Loiselle Communist Party of Canada – Manitoba: Damon Bath
These are the candidates in your area
13 September 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - ...(PC); Martin J. Stadler (Ind.) • Southdale — Renée Cable (NDP); Audrey Gordon (PC); Robert-Falcon Ouellette (Lib.) • St. Boniface — Damon Bath (Comm.); Kirt Hayer (PC); Dougald Lamont (Lib.); Robert Loiselle (NDP) • St. Vital — Saima Aziz (PC); Peter Bastians (Lib.); Jamie Moses (NDP) ...