Micah Dewey

Green candidate in the Notre Dame Winnipeg race.

Micah can be reached on social media, or at [email protected].

Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.

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Questionnaire Response

Micah Dewey - Notre Dame

What key issues / topics will you stand for in your role as MLA, and why are these important to you?

There are three main issues that I would champion as your representative for Notre Dame.

First, the abolition of deep poverty through an Universal Basic Income,  the Manitoba Basic Income Guarantee, combined with building and purchasing new units of Public Housing.

Each Manitoban, who is a Canadian citizen over the age of 18 could opt-in to a taxable income benefit of between $1700-2300 a month. This income would be taxed as standard income and would eliminate all other forms of means-tested welfare by exceeding the current maximum from all other programs.

While rolling out the MB BIG, we would implement a Rent Freeze until the province is building at least 1,000 units of new Publicly Owned, social housing.

With the Basic Income and a Right to Housing established, we can eliminate homelessness and abject poverty within years.

Beyond this main issue, I would work to expand the rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ Individuals by increasing funding and staffing for the Manitoba Human Rights Commission and ensuring human rights are protected by legislation.

I also believe that as a government, we should be doing more to supporting unionized workers in this province by bargaining in good faith with public sector unions and eliminating barriers for private sector workers to unionize. We need to revise and improve the Employment Standards Act, the Labour Relations Act and the Manitoba Human Rights code to ensure it protects all workers in Manitoba.

Basic Income &. Public Housing

Human Rights

Union Support and Labour Relations

News that mentions Micah Dewey

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13 September 2023

Winnipeg Free Press - ...Devgan (NDP); Umar Hayat (Lib.); Sheilah Restall (PC) • Midland — Hannah Drudge (NDP); Lauren Stone (PC); James Kane (Lib.) • Notre Dame — Micah Dewey (Green); Malaya Marcelino (NDP); Andrew Taylor (Comm.); Mufarrah Waheed (PC) • Point Douglas — Najiha Ali (PC); Jerald Funk (Lib.); Bernadette...