Rochelle Squires
PC candidate in the Riel Winnipeg race.
Rochelle can be reached on social media, or at [email protected].
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News that mentions Rochelle Squires
Showing news articles published after June 1st 2023. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
Province sold more social housing units to the private sector than it created over past 7 years
2 October 2023
CBC Manitoba - ...homelessness strategy, which he called the first of its kind. The PC government's homelessness strategy, announced in February by Families Minister Rochelle Squires, who is also the minister responsible for Manitoba Housing, included the creation of 700 new social units at a cost of $58 million, on top of $68...
Les circonscriptions à surveiller aux élections provinciales 2023
2 October 2023
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...du Manitoba qui sont appelés à élire le prochain gouvernement mardi. Voici quelques circonscriptions à surveiller. Riel Candidats en lice : Rochelle Squires (Parti progressiste-conservateur), Mike Moyes (Nouveau Parti démocratique), LéAmber Kensley (Parti libéral) Riel est une circonscription...
Letters, Sept. 28 – Winnipeg Free Press
28 September 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - insightful to learn that the PCs have issues with legal representation for people charged with crimes. I guess Heather Stefanson, Audrey Gordon, Rochelle Squires, Obby Khan, Jon Reyes and the others don’t believe if their children or grandchildren are charged with a drug or sex related offense that they...
Tories’ minister of political liability a ghost during campaign – Winnipeg Free Press
27 September 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - ...has been conspicuously absent from the spotlight since the election was called on Sept. 5. Several cabinet ministers, including PC candidates Rochelle Squires (Riel), Obby Khan (Fort Whyte), Jon Reyes (Waverley), Kevin Klein (Kirkfield Park), Kelvin Goertzen (Steinbach), Scott Johnston (Assiniboia) and...
‘We had our minds made up’: Advance voters head to the polls
23 September 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - ...busiest polling stations in Winnipeg were in constituencies represented by Progressive Conservative MLAs, with Kirkfield Park (Kevin Klein), Riel (Rochelle Squires), Fort Whyte (Obby Khan) and McPhillips (Shannon Martin, who is not running for re-election) topping the charts, Ambrose said. JOHN WOODS / THE...
Picking their political spots – Winnipeg Free Press
22 September 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - ...announcement,” Larkin says, referring to an event at Brentford Park in St. Vital, where incumbent Riel candidate and Families Minister Rochelle Squires announced more daycare spaces and tax credits for fertility treatments. Striking Crown corporation employees showed up and tried to shout over the...
Heather Stefanson et Wab Kinew s’engagent à ne plus imposer de confinement | Élections au Manitoba 2023
20 September 2023
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...gens de toute la province, j'ai entendu haut et fort que nous devons créer plus de places en garderie pour les familles de Winnipeg , a déclaré Rochelle Squires, candidate progressiste-conservatrice sortante de la circonscription de Riel, au sud de Winnipeg. Les 642 nouvelles garderies, réparties à...
Manitoba PCs pledge expansions to daycare spots, fertility tax credit
20 September 2023
CBC Manitoba - ... "Speaking with people across the province, I've heard loud and clear that we need to build more child-care spaces for families in Winnipeg," Rochelle Squires, incumbent PC candidate for Riel, said at a news conference Wednesday afternoon in front of a St. Vital area playground. Her comments were at times...
Manitoba Tories promise to create more child-care spaces if re-elected – Winnipeg
20 September 2023
Global News - Selkirk and Gimli. The child-care centres would have a total of 642 new openings for infant, preschool and school-age children. Tory candidate Rochelle Squires says the party’s latest promise builds on work that has already been done to open 23,000 new child-care spaces by 2026. She says constructing the...
Manitoba Tories promise to create 642 new child-care spaces if re-elected – Winnipeg Free Press
20 September 2023
Winnipeg Free Press - ...Conservatives are promising to open hundreds of new child-care spaces throughout the province if they are re-elected Oct. 3. Tory cabinet minister Rochelle Squires says the party's latest promise builds on work that has already been done to open 23,000 new child-care spaces by 2026. Squires responds to a...