The Green Party of Manitoba

The 13 Candidates

Candidates are displayed alphabetically by constituency.

Latest Green party news

Showing news articles published after June 1st 2023. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.

2 October 2023

30 September 2023

29 September 2023

28 September 2023

27 September 2023

26 September 2023

25 September 2023

News that mentions the Green party leader

Showing news articles published after June 1st 2023. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.

Parties talk ways to address poverty during debate

12 September 2023

Winnipeg Free Press - services. JOHN WOODS / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS From left: Liberal leader Dougald Lamont, NDP MLA Nahanni Fontaine, Manitoba Green party leader Janine Gibson, and PC MLA Rick Shone at the poverty and homelessness forum Tuesday. St. Johns MLA Nahanni Fontaine represented the NDP, while PC Fort Garry...

Provincial election candidates debate agricultural issues

12 September 2023

Winnipeg Free Press - ...revert to any previous policies curtailing growth in the pork sector, but he said the organization “remains vigilant” regarding such matters. Janine Gibson, the leader of the Green Party of Manitoba and candidate in the Wolseley riding — and a former national president of Canadian Organic Growers —...

International students face housing crisis

12 September 2023

The Manitoban (UofM) - ... Kinew said that, should his party win the upcoming election, they would look at renters tax cuts and “housing stock” as possible solutions. Janine Gibson, leader of the Green Party of Manitoba said that “[relying] on the private sector to support our international students is just not working.” ...

Manitoba Student Aid a top priority as fee deadline looms

12 September 2023

The Manitoban (UofM) - ...of Manitoba and other universities so that they can provide the high-quality education at a reasonable cost,” said Lamont. Green party leader Janine Gibson has a different outlook on how students should be supported. When asked, Gibson did commit to a tuition freeze, but only as a “step towards free...

The leadership forum that was — and wasn’t – Winnipeg Free Press

12 September 2023

Winnipeg Free Press - ...of Winnipeg on Aug. 29. Or at least it was supposed to be a leadership forum. While Liberal leader Dougald Lamont and Green Party leader, Janine Gibson, showed up, the Progressive Conservatives’ Heather Stefanson and the NDP’s Wab Kinew were both a no-show. According to sources, Stefanson...

Le Parti libéral du Manitoba ne sera représenté que dans 49 des 57 circonscriptions

11 September 2023

Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...lors des prochaines élections, soit 30 de moins que la liste de 43 candidats qu'il proposait en 2019. La cheffe du Parti vert du Manitoba, Janine Gibson, rapporte avoir contacté plus de 500 candidats potentiels cette année, y compris d'anciens candidats. Elle indique cependant que la plupart...

Manitoba Liberals fail to field full slate of candidates in 2023 election

11 September 2023

CBC Manitoba - ...The Manitoba Green Party is only running 13 candidates year, down 30 people from the 43-candidate slate it offered in 2019. Green Party leader Janine Gibson said she reached out to more than 500 prospective candidates this year, including former candidates, only to hear most were unable to volunteer...

Les partis politiques manitobains se penchent sur l’environnement à l’aube de l’élection

30 August 2023

Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...en matière d'environnement pour le Nouveau Parti démocratique (NPD), le chef du Parti libéral, Dougald Lamont et la cheffe du Parti vert, Janine Gibson. Kevin Klein a indiqué que le Parti progressiste-conservateur veut moderniser le système énergétique et travailler avec les entreprises et les...

Kevin Klein faces heat at pre-election climate and environment forum

29 August 2023

CBC Manitoba - ...awaits a licensing decision from officials in the provincial climate and environment ministry. On Tuesday night, Manitoba Green Leader Janine Gibson and Liberal Leader Dougald Lamont took turns lambasting Klein and the PCs for allowing the Sio Silica proposal to progress this far, while Klein...

Climate change takes centre stage in candidate debate

29 August 2023

Winnipeg Free Press - ...other local organizations concerned about climate policy. JOHN WOODS / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS Promises aplenty Tuesday by Kevin Klein (PC), from left, Janine Gibson (Green), Dougald Lamont (Liberal), and Lisa Naylor (NDP) in a debate hosted by Manitoba Climate Action. With the reality of environmental...